Blog Posts

Blog posts I wrote for other websites

My Journey to Neuroaesthetics – One Branch Doesn’t Make Up the Whole Tree (22/10/2021)

A blog post on my journey to Neuroaesthetics with insight into my academic journey before university. Also including top tips for budding researchers.

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Academic Limbo – How to be a researcher without actively researching in a lab (15/07/2021)

Reflections on the year between gaining a PhD place and funding. Including top tips on how to make the most out of a year of not being in the lab. For the African Caribbean Research Collective's (ACRC) website.

‘A Scientist Is A Creative and A Creative Is A Scientist’ – My journey into Neuroaesthetics (16/09/2020)

Reflections on my journey to Neuroaesthetics for the African Caribbean Research Collective’s (ACRC) website.

Deconstructing the Dream: Audience Participation, Audience Engagement and Theatre (15/06/2020)

Reflections on my MSc Project for the MSc Psychology of The Arts Neuroaesthetics and Creativity student website.